Here is my personal take on it…portraits will out last our physical presence and although this may not mean a lot to you, it will mean everything to those who love you. You see, this single image has a very significant place in my heart. It is the only image I have of my father with me…EVER. He died in a car accident when I was 4 months old. Do you think he thought, for a brief moment, how much this single, faded, grainy Polaroid would one day mean to me? I doubt it. Do you know what the value is to me? Priceless.
He never saw me take my first steps. He wasn’t able to comfort me through childhood or read me bedtime stories. He never saw me graduate high school/ college, dance with me at my wedding, watch my baby boy come into the world, or hold my hand while I navigated this whole parenthood thing. He didn’t get to play with my son and teach him all of the “guy stuff” that grandfathers get to teach grandsons. He didn’t get to do any of that. BUT what he DID get to do was leave a lasting impression on me. I KNOW for a fact that he loved me. It’s right there…in the smile on his face, in this image. And for me, that is enough.
Love & Hugs,